Spent the day up Many Glacier, it was terrific up until about 9am then the weather went bad, but before it did, i managed to get the following shots. I saw a few sheep, some goats, three moose, and one grizzly sow and cub.

Here's a youngster that thinks it's okay to walk on the roof of the lodge. . .

Soon the sun went away but the lake remaind calm while until the storm blew in. . . these shots dont have the best color, and under ideal lighting they would have been much improved, but when youre out photographing sometimes you just take what you can get!

The north side of the road, from sheep bend clear to Ptarmigan Falls is closed. . . It will likely stay that way for a month until the lambing is over, it is, just now starting.

Here's a youngster that thinks it's okay to walk on the roof of the lodge. . .

Soon the sun went away but the lake remaind calm while until the storm blew in. . . these shots dont have the best color, and under ideal lighting they would have been much improved, but when youre out photographing sometimes you just take what you can get!

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