On Sunday, the normally windy weather cleared so I set out headed west from east glacier park along highway 2 to take a few photos. It's important to prepare properly before headed out into the bush during the winter, even on days when the weather looks ideal there are a few things I never leave home without.
Mistakes and accidents happen. I always take food, water, fire starter, a compass (mostly in case of fog), a whistle, a cell phone, small first aid kit, and a headlamp when i leave the road. I layer my clothes and bring a gortex shell and pants along with a few heat pads, and a spare pair of gloves. . . Be careful of frozen streams, and unstable slopes! Safety is always paramount, but especially so during the winter! And finally, if you can, always tell someone where you're going, and if you don't, shoot an email off to a friend, or leave a note with someone you trust, or in the very least, a note inside the vehicle as to your destination your route and how long you'll be out . . . I know these may pose other risks, but i'm willing to take them in order for someone to know where i headed in case I do not return. . .

Here's a shot looking up the south fork of the flathead river, into Coal Creek and Battlement Mountain. I modified the image a bit using an "antique" template and I added the boarder myself in photoshop.
Overall it's been a very mild February, in fact it's about as mild as any I can remember. It's snowing a bit today but still not very cold. . .
Take care,
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