To me, the key to quality nature images is the light; not just any light, but quality light. In nature photography warm light often is considered quality light and preferred over the hard light of the mid day sun, though not essential. A mediocre image can become a fantastic image under the right light. Seldom do you see a stellar image in poor light. Keep in mind that light and quality imagery are based on the perspective of the photographer and in some cases may not meet your definition. Nonetheless, "quality" images have a context and a perspective chosen first by the photographer and by the viewer second.

When I turned to see what it was doing behind me I found the image shown above. At first glance I was not so impressed but I was intrigued enough that I could not refuse to unpacking my camera and lens and aim it at the trees with the plan to frame the quality light falling on the them. I put the 200mm lens on my Nikon body and captured a few shots. The warmth of the light coupled with the contrast and the colors of the fir and tamarack (larch) trees makes for an interesting image. But more importantly while I know it's not a Pulitzer prize wining shot, it is, in my view an example of how the quality of light changes an otherwise dull image into something interesting. I felt that this single shot made my trip worth every bit if effort, even if I did miss the first half of the Super bowl to get it!
Great catch on the sliver of light - congrats!
“Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit”
Hoping this comes across the mountains. . .
Thanks Grinder, and I believe it was Edward Abby that said, "Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit, and as vital to our lives as water and good bread." He was a hero in his day. . .
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