Speaking of “pull-out,” if you’re planning to shoot along Highway 2 in the winter, (or any other time for that matter, but particularly in the winter) make sure you watch the traffic. Highway 2 is the main northern east west route across Montana and unless this highway is closed it is busy. There are plenty of pull outs but use caution as they often are covered with ice and stopping quickly can be problematic so be sure to slow down well before the pull out. If you happen to miss a pull out, or it comes upon you too quickly, pass it and turn around at the next one and return to it rather than slamming on the breaks to catch it before you pass it up.
Be sure to bring some snow shoes and if you use your tripod on the snow, and it’s any deeper than about two or three feet, avoid spreading the legs of the tripod. Instead just hold the legs together and drive all three legs together into the snow . . . if you use the tripod with the legs spread open odds are you’ll break the lockouts on the spider – the plate at the top of the tripod where the legs come together.
Get out there and shoot some winter images, Glacier Park seldom has many visitors this time of year. If you come be careful and watch for traffic and don't get too close to the river, you never know when you're walking on thin ice!
Great pictures! I hope to take some good ones when I go in July. (Shouldn't need the snowshoes)
Thanks sight seer, the lighting for this image is best in the late afternoon. . . in july it might even be the evening. . .
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